Save Time Social Bundle

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Save Time Social Bundle

Save Time Social Bundle

Get immediate access to 20 Done-for-you social captions and 16 Canva graphics templates⁣ for your service-based business. Use these for a quick plug and play solution to save you time - and to help you solve the everlasting question: What do I post?

THE GRAPHICS: Built to stop thumbs! These 18 graphics are eye-catching, colorful and fully customizable. They also prioritize video, which Instagram has announced it is now prioritizing.

THE CAPTIONS: This PDF contains 23 pages of robust caption templates, examples of the how to use the templates - pulling from my own Instagram account. There's also extra marketing and social media advice sprinkled throughout!

Important: By purchasing these templates, you are agreeing to edit and design them exclusively in CANVA.


Both of these deliverables follow the Know, Like, Trust, Sell content strategy that’s grown my clients’ accounts again and again.

I’m giving you free rein to change it up as much as you wish. In fact, I encourage it. Now go on with yo’ bad self and flex that social media muscle.

Total due $67

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