Healthy Biz

Solidify your signature marketing methods and create expressive content that SELLS in 6 weeks.

Solidify your signature marketing methods and create expressive content that SELLS in 6 weeks.


You’ve been told that in order for your business to thrive, you need to post this flashy reel with this flashy trend in order to get eyeballs on your content. But let's be honest: Gary's tips aren't making your audience tell their friends they're obsessed with you over brunch or skim your sales page *yet again* with their finger hovering over the BUY button.

You know having a business is about more than just making money. It means building a world that doesn't yet exist, but deserves to. It means attracting a community because you trust every aspect of your marketing so much you want to shout, pay me already bitches!

It's possible to create killer marketing strategies that sell out your offers without losing yourself in the process. We'll do just that in Healthy Biz.


Includes 6 weekly calls (once per week - 90-120 min each), lifetime access to all the recordings, FB group for ongoing support and all of the resources you'll need to sell in 6 weeks.

  • WEEK 1: Ideal Client Attraction
    It's time to think beyond demographics! Get a comprehensive understanding of characteristics, identities, & goals - beyond the basics - so you can stand out from the noise with mic drop moments.
  • WEEK 2: Mindful Messaging
    Craft messaging around each of your offers - this is the sharp language that compels your audience to buy!
  • WEEK 3: Marketing Methods
    Your marketing strategies are what take people from not knowing you exist 👉 to purchasing and recommending your biz. Build out this process so you can have FUN showing up, nurturing your ideal client, and driving repeat sales.
  • WEEK 4: Q + A Hot Seat Call
    Come with any questions or comments and I’ll answer in this small group setting. Ask me anything!
  • WEEK 5: Getting Granular
    Folks who are taking in our content are doing 10 other things while scrolling. Break it down into tiny bites so people can actually retain and connect with what you're saying! 
  • WEEK 6: Kickass Social Sales
    Learn rinse and repeat methods so your socials add some zeroes to your account. We'll cover Instagram, Instagram Stories and TikTok.

Healthy Biz was built because fuck scrollable. Everything is scrollable. EveryONE is scrollable. I want you to stop thumbs. I want you to dominate conversation. I want you to live rent free in the busy minds of your audience.

Marketing can crack you open if you do it right. So focus on the folks who you want to remember your damn name. Give less fucks about who you're leaving behind. (because guess what? 👏 you're not for everyone.)

This is the energy that takes care of business. This is the kind of business that takes care of you. And this is exactly the kind of business you're building in Healthy Biz.


Solidify your signature marketing methods and create expressive content that SELLS in 6 weeks.

Includes 6 weekly calls (once per week - 90-120 min each), lifetime access to all the recordings, FB group for ongoing support and all of the resources you'll need to build a business without abandoning your unique magic.

• 5 Live Group coaching calls
• 1 Live Q&A hot seat coaching call
• Private FB group for Q&As, check-ins and support 

...and EVERY resource you need to implement what you learn.



I'm committed to making Healthy Biz as accessible as possible. Please keep in mind whatever option you choose - this is a committed payment plan - not a casual, "drop out whenever" deal. The 3-payment and 4-payment options are over 3 and 4 months, so make sure your finances are ready.
I hope these flexible options bring you a bit more peace of mind as you make your joining decision.

You don't have to spend another year feeling like you're missing something in your marketing. Join now.

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